27 July 2024,   03:51
Report of the US Department of State states “as they say” and this “rumors” were answered by the Strasbourg Court - Papuashvili

When false information appears in the report of the US Department of State, it is unfortunate, it casts a shadow - if [David] Kezerashvili is presented in a positive light in any report, it is a problem. Such a statement made today the Speaker of the Parliament, while commenting the 2023 report of the US Department of State on human rights.

“I saw excerpts, among them I found a note about Kezerashvili. It is already difficult to comment here. We are talking about a criminal who moves freely in Europe. We see that he is robbing European pensioners, stealing money from the Georgian army. His surname first appeared in the resolution of the European Parliament, now it appears in the report of the US Department of State as a reference, it casts a shadow on the report, it shows that it is not based on real facts. To portray a criminal in any document in any positive way hurts the document itself.

As for the case of [Nika] Gvaramia. This report has one specificity – “as they say”, these “they say’ are the NGOs that are financed from the US or European sources. We see that they are spreading disinformation, in order to question these sentences on any report sheet. The Department’s report indicates that it is based on narratives, it does not say in the claim form, it is most likely based on the NGOs narrative.

When such false information appears in the report of the Department, it is unfortunate, it casts a shadow on the report. If Kezerashvili will be presented positively in any report, it is a problem of the report”, - said Shalva Papuashvili.