08 September 2024,   03:58
Shalva Papuashvili meets with representatives of different religious organizations

Regarding the constitutional amendments, the Steering Commission of the Universal-Public Review conducted 10 meetings in various regions of Georgia, engaging with approximately 5 000. I am pleased to report that these changes have received widespread approval and support in all locations, Speaker of the Parliament said at the meeting with the Chairman of the State Agency for Religious Affairs Zaza Vashakmadze and representatives of various religious organizations in the format of the session of the Public Review Commission.

As Shalva Papuashvili noted, the parliamentary majority initiated the constitutional drafts on Amendments to the Constitution of Georgia and on Family Values and Protection of Minors a month ago.

“The draft of the constitutional law, in its essence, pertains to fundamental aspects of the organization of the country and societal coexistence. Hence, any alterations, additions, or innovations in these principles necessitate careful consideration. Accordingly, the Constitution of Georgia mandates that if the Parliament intends to amend or supplement the Constitution by enacting a constitutional law, it must establish a Steering Commission for public consultation. The public must be consulted within one month before the Parliament deliberates on the issue”, - said the Speaker.

According to him, in the near future, alongside the constitutional amendments, the parliamentary majority will introduce a package of ordinary laws. The current parliament is expected to approve this package since the majority has sufficient support for it.

Shalva Papuashvili emphasized that if the opposition does not endorse the constitutional amendments and the associated bill, resulting in their failure to pass, the parliamentary majority will prioritize these constitutional amendments as its first agenda item after the elections.

During the meeting, members of the parliamentary majority, including Irakli Kadagishvili, David Matikashvili, and Tengiz Sharmanashvili, underscored the significance of the constitutional amendments. Representatives of various denominations voiced their backing for the constitutional amendment, highlighting the importance of safeguarding family values, the interests of minors, and future generations from detrimental propaganda.

The Commission has concluded its proceedings and will present the outcomes of the meeting with the public to the parliament.