27 July 2024,   04:15
We will never forget or betray those people, heroes, or unknown soldiers who sacrificed themselves for the homeland and its independence - Zourabichvili

The President of Georgia delivered a speech at the event dedicated to Georgia’s Independence.

“I, your Supreme Commander-in-Chief, address you – the soldiers of Georgia, who defend Georgia and its independence! I address you – those who are taking the oath today and are prepared to serve Georgia! The nation is victorious and invincible, standing free, proud, and resilient today after centuries of struggle, wars, and conquests!

This is your merit and our common achievement. We will never forget or betray those people, heroes, or unknown soldiers who sacrificed themselves for the homeland and its independence. It is our constant responsibility to safeguard the treasures they acquired and passed down to us – a free and independent Georgia, not to yield it to anyone!

I address all of Georgia, all of you, and understand how the current state of our country pains you. I know the feelings with which you are listening to me today,when you fear the country’s independence and European future are under threat. Don"t give in to hopelessness. This country and its independence have been built and preserved by you, the citizens of this country, and today we again must strengthen and reinforce it!

It is not a coincidence that at this critical juncture for Georgia, the President of the country is the daughter of emigration that fought for and prepared Georgia’s independence, which was declared on May 26th, 1918. It also may not be a coincidence that the President of the country is the person who negotiated the peaceful withdrawal of the Russian troops who entered the country.

I consider it my duty to my ancestors and the country to do everything for the independence and the European future of this country. I made this promise to myself before arriving in Georgia. This is the promise I made to you when I took the oath on the Constitution. I want you to know that I will not betray either my oath or my people!

I hear you, and I understand your feelings and emotions. I know that confusion, uncertainty, and even fear have crept into your heart. I know how unbearable the thought is that everything we have together fought for until now is slipping out of our hands! But I also know that the Georgian people will not allow this!

We will not allow it - we, who are united around this goal: those who remember Georgia before independence and had faith that we would achieve the sacred goal of independence; those of you standing here who were born in an independent, free Georgia and cannot even imagine any other kind of Georgia. You cannot imagine such precisely because you are free, independent, and will never accept slavery.

Today, with you and with the determination of the new generation, the new Georgia is being born and fresh energy is being created. As it has done many times in history, Georgia has once again shown us its true face - without fear, without envy, and without hatred. Georgia’s fresh energy comes with a new word, fresh perspective, courage, love, unity, and dignity, and nothing can stop it”, - said Salome Zourabichvili.