29 September 2024,   03:43
Yesterday, Vano and Natalie, a collective Sergo Orjonikidze, were talking about Georgia, it was a betrayal - Prime Minister

The Prime Minister of Georgia denounced as “betrayal” statements made by Georgian representatives involved in a congressional hearing in the US on “supporting Georgia’s sovereignty and democracy” following the Georgian Government’s adoption of Law on Transparency.

Irakli Kobakhidze was speaking after Ivane Chkhikvadze, the EU Integration Programme Manager at the Civil Society Foundation, Natalie Sabanadze, the former Georgian Ambassador to the EU, featured in the hearing with testimonies over the latest developments in Georgia.

The Head of the Government compared Chkhikvadze and Sabanadze with Sergo Orjonikidze.

“Yesterday, what we saw in the Congress was a betrayal, I would say it directly. Yesterday, Vano and Natalie - [a collective] Sergo Orjonikidze - were talking about Georgia. It was a betrayal, it was a Bolshevik betrayal, which is very regrettable and sad”, - said the Prime Minister.