26 June 2024,   19:14
Without the support of the US, Georgia simply cannot survive as an independent state - Salome Samadashvili

Without the support of the ally, the US, Georgia simply cannot survive as an independent state. Salome Samadashvili, one of the leaders of Lelo, said this, while commenting the issue of sanctions by the US on the representatives of the Georgian Government.

“For the past 30 years, Georgia has not had a stronger ally than the US in terms of protecting and securing our country’s independence and its Euro-Atlantic future. Also, for the past 30 years, Russia, which is trying to abolish the sovereignty of our country, has been very actively trying to damage these strategic relations. Today we are in a situation where for the first time in the existence of independent Georgia, we will have a government that is sanctioned by our main strategic ally.

This means that the current government representatives are undesirable persons and partners for the US. What does this mean for the citizen of Georgia? This means that it will be very difficult for our main strategic ally under our government to give the Georgian people and our country the support that we deserve and that the US wants to give.

What does a sanctioned government mean for the citizens of Georgia? This means that any investor will not come to our country, but those who have already entered will think how to leave our country as quickly as possible, and this means the destruction of the economy and even more poverty. That is why we must understand that the fate of our country’s future depends on the change of the sanctioned Russian regime in the October elections.

If these elections were a referendum on the European future of Georgia and what choice the Georgian people would make between Russia and Georgia, without exaggeration it should be said that under the conditions of the sanctioned government, these elections are a referendum on the sovereignty of Georgia, that is, whether we want to maintain an independent state or not, because our main

Without the support of the ally, the US, Georgia simply cannot survive as an independent state. Therefore, I call on all citizens to once again understand the situation we are in and what choice we have to make in the upcoming parliamentary elections - a choice regarding the future of the Georgian state and its existence.

I am sure that the vast majority of our people will be well aware of this and we will return our country in October to the very path that we chose many years ago and that path is an independent, sovereign state that will be a member of the European Union and NATO and protected by our strategic allies by”, - said Salome Samadashvili.