28 September 2024,   03:37
Georgia really deserves a dignified attitude from its partners, not the creation of obstacles on the way to Europe, but help - Botchorishvili

Georgia really deserves a dignified attitude on the part of its partners, and at the same time, not to create obstacles on its way to Europe, but rather to help it. Such a statement made today the Chairperson of the Parliament’s European Integration Committee.

“Despite the fact that the European People’s Party will still be the largest political group with approximately 25% support in the next European Parliament [EP], it is impossible to ignore the trends that emerged in the 2024 EP elections.

In a large part of the member states of the European Union, there is a growing distrust of the voters towards the ruling political elites, which in some cases contributed to the success of the far-right.

In Germany, the parties included in the ruling coalition were defeated, in France the president had to call early parliamentary elections, and the prime minister of Belgium had to resign. The results of the elections also showed that the population of Europe is more supportive of conservative values. Liberal political families lost the most mandates in the new EP. For the final formation of political groups, there is a period of important negotiations ahead, this process will reveal more how the results of the elections will affect the work of the EP in the next 5 years.

Although radical changes in EU policy are unlikely, it will be especially important for EU enlargement policy to remain a priority direction when forming the new agenda and composition of the European Commission.

Georgia and the EU will have to work together for the next 5 years and take further steps in order to prepare for the moment of further expansion of the EU. This is the period when both parties must face the challenges in such a way that the EU can accept new members and Georgia, in turn, is ready for EU membership at the right time. For this we need first of all peace and stability of the political process in the country.

This most important foundation for the further development of the country must be solid, otherwise, obviously, it will be difficult to reach the set goal. This is what the current government is fighting for, so as not to threaten the peaceful, stable democratic development of our country and the European future. On the other hand, we have repeatedly shown that we can move Georgia forward through the right reforms and take a more advanced place among the members of the modern democratic world.

The Atlantic Council assigned Georgia to the category of free countries with 45 places in the freedom index ranking according to governance, which shows that after 2012, Georgia is on the first place in Europe with rating progress”, - said ," said Maka Botchorishvili.