24 October 2024,   00:13
Georgia among top 50 in global ranking of Freedom, Prosperity - Atlantic Council

Atlantic Council [American international affairs think-tank] recognised Georgia as one of the top 50 states in the latest update of its global ranking for freedom and prosperity last week.

The country was ranked 51st among 164 states and territories in terms of freedom, with a status of “moderately free”.

The result places Georgia ahead of all neighbouring countries and candidate states for European Union membership.

Since 2012, Georgia’s freedom rating has improved by 6.68 points, positioning it in the top-10 worldwide and 1st in Europe for long-term progress.

In terms of prosperity, Georgia’s score increased by 6.36 points, leading to a 17-position rise in the rankings. It now ranks among the top-3 globally for progress in prosperity.

Prosperity assessment is based on 6 pillars:

Income level
Environmental protection
Protection of the interests of minorities
Public health

Prosperity index rating divides 164 countries and territories of the world into 4 categories: high prosperity, moderate prosperity, the low level of prosperity and the lowest level of prosperity. According to the index, Georgia received the status of moderate prosperity.