07 July 2024,   12:01
We can’t just trust Putin - Zelensky on Orban’s ceasefire proposal

Zelenskyy rejected Orban"s ceasefire proposal, citing a lack of trust in Putin and Russia"s history of violating agreements, and warned that Russia could use the temporary ceasefire to regroup and launch a new invasion.

Ukraine cannot trust the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin regarding the ceasefire. There have been hundreds of meetings between representatives of Ukraine and Russia since the Minsk agreements, and agreements have been reached, but Russia has constantly broken them. This is how President Volodymyr Zelensky commented on Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s proposal for a possible ceasefire in an interview with Bloomberg.

“I explained very clearly... I need a plan for me and for our people. We cannot just trust Putin in principle. We cannot trust him anymore because for us he is a murderer and an aggressor. It is important that Hungary recognizes that Russia is an aggressor”, - said the President.

According to him, Russia will not use the temporary ceasefire to simply accumulate equipment on our territory, which they occupied: “They can just concentrate a strong fist after that and accuse us, as they have already done, that we violated, for example... and start another invasion”.