29 September 2024,   05:21
The EU freezing EUR 30 million from the European Peace Facility, earmarked for the Georgian Ministry of Defense - Paweł Herczyński

Georgia’s European Union accession process has been stopped, the EU has frozen 30 million euros in assistance to Georgia, and further measures are being considered in case the situation in the country deteriorates further. Such a statement made today the EU Ambassador to Georgia.

“The Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence is a clear backslide on 9 steps, and the anti-Western, anti-European rhetoric is fully incompatible with the stated aim of joining the EU. As a result, Georgia’s EU accession has been put on hold.

The decision to halt Georgia’s EU accession process was taken by EU leaders at the last European Council on June 27. The EU leaders are unclear about the true intentions of the current Georgian authorities.

I hope, the newly formed Government will restart serious work on Georgia’s EU integration after the October parliamentary elections. Everything can still be changed, but the time is running out.

In addition to the EU freezing EUR 30 million from the European Peace Facility and earmarked for the Georgian Ministry of Defense. Other measures are being considered if the situation further deteriorates.

The EU’s direct support to the Georgian Government will gradually diminish, the EU will try to shift this support from the Government to civil society and media”, - said Paweł Herczyński.