20 May 2024,   01:14
More than 200 civilians killed in road accidents in last four months in Georgia

NGOs working on road safety call on the goverment to fight against the causes of accidents. Today they held a rally and a performance at the Parliament requesting the stricter laws.

According to the Interior Ministry, more than 200 civilians were killed in road accidents in the last four months in Georgia.
The non-governmental organizations working on the road safety issues talk about the so-called black spots existing in the country which are considered to be the most secure zones but where the most of the traffic accident occurs.

In addition to Beliashvili street, it is considered that the exit on the right bank from Gotua Street is a black spot , where the cars due to their size enter not the first, but the second or third line.In order to get to the first line they have to cross the center line and violate the traffic rules. Also problematic and frequent traffic accident happen on the highway in the vicinity of Kostav street.

Interior Ministry calles the so-called Blackspots dangerous places and is planning to install so-called smart traffic lights in the city.