30 September 2024,   15:27
Fire in Abastumani - 4 helicopters try to localize fire

Fire rxtinguishing works in Abastumani continue. The aviation has resumed working in Abastumani forest. At this time, four helicopters are trying to extinguish the forest fire.

Two Georgian, one Azerbaijani helicopter and one Ukrainian aircraft are operating at the moment. According to the official information, one Turkish helicopter is already in Batumi and will join the works until the end of the day.

More than 1000 employees of MIA Emergency Situations Management Agency, Department of Special Tasks and Protected Areas of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as Border Police and Tusheti helicopters are involved in the process.

The locations of the fires are raging, is hard to reach Due to the difficult terrain conditions, the localization of the fire has not been possible for the third day.