The demographic situation in the country is alarming. According to the official data of the National Statistics Agency, for the first time in the latest history of the country more people died than were born. In 6 months of 2017, there were 25 thousand 500 children in Georgia when the death toll was 25 thousand 900.
Demographs say that this is already a devastating figure and if immediate measures are not taken it will bring the country to a demographic catastrophe.
Specialists explain that the country was brought to the demographic crisis by a number of factors. Among them is the reduced birth rate in the 1990s, migration processes, difficult economic situation and high number of divorces.
According to the last survey, the number of permanent population in Georgia is 3.7 million.
Specialists say that Georgia needs a long-term plan for development in demographic terms. On the spot, this data is expected to be improved when citizens born from 2006 to 2016 will be able to generate a new generation within 20 years.