27 July 2024,   04:48
Tatunashvili`s murder, Russian aggression, "Otkhozoria-Tatunashvili"s List" - Parliamentary Opposition to Speak at the European People"s Party Assembly

The European People"s Party Political Assembly was opened in Brussels. All the above issues which Europe is facing today will be discussed at the Assembly, including aggression and challenges coming from Russia. Members of the European People"s Party political family are from different countries, including Georgia.

The members of the "National Movement" , who will talk about threats from Russia and the challenges facing Georgi, are in Brussels.

"Russia continues gross violation of our citizens" rights. Annexation of our territories is actually deepened and it is very important to send the relevant and very sharp messages from the European Parliament regarding the imposition of sanctions on Russia. We will also talk about the challenges that stand today in terms of democracy in the country due to political oligarchy and it is very important that our European colleagues realize that the future of Georgia is facing challenges, "said Salome Samadashvili.

European Georgia is going to speak about the Russian occupation, the situation in the occupied regions and the "Otkhozoria-Tatunashvili" list" . Davit Bakradze said that the main issue will be Tatunashvili"s murder.