06 October 2024,   20:11
Our call is to establish the EU list, a sanction list similar to the Otkhozoria-Tatunashvili Georgian list - Anna Fotyga

Our call is to establish the EU list, a sanction list similar to the Otkhozoria-Tatunashvili Georgian list, said the Member of the European Parliament [EP], Anna Fotyga, during a debate in the European Parliament.

She expressed gratitude to the real friends of Georgia for their excellent cooperation on the resolution and their valuable contributions to the final text.

“Tamaz Ginturi, a veteran of the 2008 war, was killed by Russian forces near the Administrative Boundary Line while heading to church with a companion, who was captured and illegally detained.

Our call is to establish the EU list, a sanction list similar to the Otkhozoria-Tatunashvili Georgian list. That is to lead us in imposing sanctions for this kind of actions against civilians, ordinary people of Georgia, patriots of this country”, - said the MEP.