07 October 2024,   10:29
Ceasefire in Aleppo, USA and UN impose responsibility for bloodshed on Russia

Russia stopped military actions in Aleppo. After severe bombing, the city is under control of government forces. Volunteers are trying to rescue people caught in ruins of the city.
There are corridors opened for evacuation of civilians. According to latest information, there are over 100 thousand people in eastern part of Aleppo, which is under governmental control now. 1500 rebels are still in the city too.
USA and UN impose responsibility for bloodshed Assad regime and Russia.
“It is your trap and three members of UN are supporting it. You must be ashamed, but it seems that instead it adds courage to you. Now you are planning another attack. Are you really unable to feel shame? Not even death of children is affecting you?”, - said US ambassador in UN Samantha Power.