07 October 2024,   08:22
UNM expresses solidarity with Ukraine and calls on Georgian government to refrain from neutral position

National Movement expresses its solidarity to Ukraine and calls on the government to refrain from the neutral position.

The UNM has released a statement regarding the situation in Ukraine:

"On January 29, the Russian occupation forces intensified their military operation on the territory of Ukraine. The attack is carried out in the town of Avdeevka urban areas. Russian troops actively use Grad artillery systems. There are civilian victims. In 24 hours 3 Ukrainian military were killed and 24 wounded. Several thousand people were left without electricity and heating. Due to intensive shooting the repair works could not be carried out. There is need for the evacuation of the civilians. However, Russia refuses observe the ceasefire.

"Today at 19:00 in the OSCE Permanent Council is holding an emergency meeting. Today a meeting was also held at the United Nations Security Council.

"United National Movement expresses its solidarity with an allies and strategic partner Ukraine. We will stand by the Ukrainian people in the fight for the freedom and territorial integrity.

"At the same time we call on the authorities to refrain from taking up a neutral position, to use the available resources, both in international organizations and bilateral relations in order to strengthening political and diplomatic pressure on the Russian Federation," - is said in the statement.