07 ოქტომბერი 2024,   14:21
რევოლუციის დროა! შენ არ ხარ ჩვენი პრეზიდენტი - აქციები ამერიკაში

"რევოლუციის დროა!" "შენ არ ხარ ჩვენი პრეზიდენტი!" "ტრამპს სძულს სიყვარული!" - ამ ლოზუნგებით ამერიკის რამდენიმე შტატში აქციები მიმდინარეობს. 

აქციები ნიუ-იორკში: 

New York City: The massive protest in Trump

New York City: Protesters furious about the election of Donald Trump lit the flags ablaze outside Trump Tower

New York City: Angry demonstrators hung effigies of Donald Trump as they descended on Columbus Circle, Manhattan, Wednesday night


ლოს ანჟელესში

Los Angeles: Protesters lit fires on the steps of City Hall in Los Angeles in the middle of an apparently disorganized protest

Los Angeles: Demonstrators take over the Hollywood 101 Freeway in protest against the election

Los Angeles: Some of the signs were more direct than others. Elsewhere, a large group of protesters took over 110 Freeway

Los Angeles: Protester waves a Mexican flag outside City Hall in the Californian city 

აქციები სიეტლში 

Seattle: Smoke from a fire-extinguisher blankets a crowd on the Seattle protest march

Seattle: Thousands of people march through Seattle against Donald Trump

ნიუ ორლეანი 

New Orleans: After protesting at the monument, they left and walked down St Charles Avenue, where a Chase Bank window was broken

სანფრანცისკო - კალიფორნია

San Francisco: The crowd started downtown and headed to the Castro District

San Francisco: Effigies of Trump were held up, along with signs, requiring power to the cable car cables to be shut down 


Philadelphia: Furious protesters in the city of brotherly love started at the University of Pennsylvania before heading on to City Hall and then on into the city,

Philadelphia: The number of Philly protesters swelled to around 1,000

ჩიკაგო ილინოისი 

Chicago: Protesters hold aloft a giant

Chicago: Thousands of people were seen protesting the Republican President-elect


Boston: The protest then went mobile, marching up to the steps of the State House. The initial protest was organized by groups such as Boston Socialist Alternative, but quickly drew in people of all political affiliations

Boston: Protesters hold up signs and yell during a protest against the election of Donald Trump in the Boston Common

ოკლანდი - კალიფორნია

Oakland: Planks of wood, cones and other detritus is set alight in the city, close to San Francisco 

Oakland: A protester throws a bottle at police officers  as violence boiled over after a tumultuous 24 hours

Oakland: The protest had begun peacefully, but descended into violence after protesters threw glass bottles at a police wall

Oakland: Protesters also smashed up this police cruiser

Oakland: Police form a barrier after demonstrators set a street on fire

Held: Police in riot helmets and armed with batons arrested this suspect amid violence in the city




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